Vintage Covers, US and Foreign


Lena Dunham tweets an instagram shot of the book cover held by her costar Jemima Kirke.
Lena Dunham’s instagram shot of a vintage book cover
(UK) held by her costar Jemima Kirke.
Original hardcover dust jacket design as re-imagined by the creators of the miniseries Feud. In Episode 1, Joan Crawford sends her assistant to a bookstore to find stories with strong female leads,  but “nothing  Sapphic.’

Recent Reissues

Piper Verlag,
Germany, August 2014
Nil Editions, France,
May 2014
Mondadori, Italy,
September 2013
Harper Perennial Classics
reissue, June 2013





3 Responses

  1. admin

    Hi Madoka,
    Thanks! I added it to the gallery.
    I’m also adding the quote from your book to the Academics page

  2. Madoka Yamasaki

    I think you once tweet about my picture of Japanese Edition.
    But I can’t find your account.
    Do you still want Cover Pic?